Catch Synonyms and Antonyms

kăch, kĕch
To gain possession of, especially after a struggle or chase
*A desirable mate
  1. eligible bachelor
  2. conquest
  3. prize
  4. rich man
  5. rich woman
  6. number
  7. score
  8. piece
  9. hunk
  10. lady-killer
To take unawares
To have a sudden overwhelming effect on
  1. seize
  2. strike
  3. take
To go aboard (a means of transport)
  1. board
  2. take
To make secure
Something caught or worth catching
To become or cause to become stuck or lodged
  1. fix
  2. lodge
  3. stick
To contract a disease
  1. get
  2. contract
  3. develop
  4. take
  5. come-down-with
  6. fall-ill
  7. become infected
  8. incur
  9. suffer from
  10. become subject to
  11. become liable to
  12. arrest
  13. fall victim to
  14. succumb to
  15. sicken
  16. break out with
  17. break out in
  1. ward off
  2. be immune
  3. escape
  4. get-over
A hidden qualification
To perceive and recognize the meaning of.
Detect a blunder or misstep
  1. trip up

Words Related to Catch

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.