Seize Synonyms and Antonyms
To grasp
To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right
To take by force
- apprehend
- arrest
- appropriate
- capture
- nab
- collar
- arrogate
- conquer
- usurp
- abduct
- commandeer
- confiscate
- occupy
- bag
- claw
- take
- impound
- snatch
- intercept
- secure
- hook
- take over
- hijack
- kidnap
- trap
- rape
- win
- take captive
- pounce
- take-by-storm
- take by assault
- subdue
- overwhelm
- overrun
- overpower
- ambush
- incorporate
- exact
- extend protection to
- retake
- carry off
- force
- gain
- recapture
- take possession of
- afflict
- pounce on
- annex
- overcome
- steal
- purloin
- expropriate
- attack
- seize-upon
- pick up
- snap-up
- bind
- throttle
- catch
- lay-hold-of
- lift
- clinch
- assume
- clutch
- fasten upon
- wrench
- bust
- snare
- comprehend
- catch up
- jerk
- freeze onto
- batten on
- corral
- wring
- cull
- distrain
- get one's clutches on
- distress
- get one's fingers on
- get-one-s-hands-on
- embargo
- gather
- skyjack
- grab
- carjack
- grapple
- rustle
- grasp
- stick up
- hold up
- grip
- swipe
- gripe
- clap hands on
- scramble for
- help oneself to
- pinch
- jump-a-claim
- levy
- net
- run-in
- overtake
- pillage
- possess
- preempt
- prehend
- rapine
- sequester
- strike
- understand
To take quick and forcible possession of
- confiscatory
- seizing
Words Related to Seize
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.