Assume Synonyms and Antonyms

To put (an article of clothing) on one's person
  1. put-on
  2. don
  3. get on
  4. pull on
  5. wear
  6. slip into
  7. slip on
  8. get-into
To take for granted
  1. presume
  2. posit
  3. postulate
  4. premise
  5. suppose
  6. presuppose
  7. believe
  8. infer
  9. acquire
  10. conjecture
  11. guess
  12. deem
  13. hypothesize
  14. deduce
  15. adopt
  16. theorize
  17. expect
  18. take-for-granted
  19. surmise
  20. speculate
  21. reckon
  22. think
  23. imply
  24. take
  25. predicate
  26. understand
  27. gather
  28. find
  29. collect
  30. ascertain
  31. consider as true
  32. draw the inference
  33. judge
  34. divine
  35. get the idea
  36. have an idea that
  37. suspect
  38. regard
  39. consider
  40. accept
  41. take without proof
  42. treat as conceded
  43. affect
  44. take it as given
  45. appropriate
  46. suppose as fact
  47. arrogate
  48. imagine
  49. ascribe
  50. attribute
  51. opine
  52. estimate
  53. cloak
  54. fancy
  55. take-the-liberty
  56. be of the opinion
  57. counterfeit
  58. dare say
  59. count-upon
  60. conclude
  61. endue
  62. put-two-and-two-together
  63. be inclined to think
  64. feign
  65. hold the opinion
  66. calculate
  67. hypothecate
  68. hope
  69. feel
  70. have faith
  71. be afraid
  72. mask
  73. take it
  74. allow
  75. pretend
  76. raise
  77. simulate
  78. take forgranted
  79. take over
  80. take on
  81. undertake
  82. usurp
  1. doubt
  2. be surprised that
  3. know
  4. not believe
To pretend
  1. leave
  2. let-alone
  3. not take
To lay claim to for oneself or as one's right
Take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities

Words Related to Assume

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.