Judge Synonyms
To pass judgment
- adjudicate
- adjudge
- decide
- arbitrate
- rule
- referee
- try
- find
- determine
- sentence
- umpire
- hear
- sit in judgment
- doom
- analyze
- appraiser
- arbiter
- arbitrator
- assess
- act-on
- assessor
- bench
- chancellor
- conclude
- condemn
- decree
- connoisseur
- pronounce
- consider
- court
- critic
- criticize
- critique
- give a hearing to
- deem
- discern
- discriminate
- hold the scales
- distinguish
- esteem
- estimate
- expert
- gather
- gauge
- honor
- intermediary
- justice
- magistrate
- mediator
- rank
- rate
- reckon
- recuse
- ref
- regard
- review
- settle
- suppose
- think
- ump
- weigh
- label
A legal official
- justice
- jurist
- magistrate
- chancellor
- jurisprudent
- justice of the peace (JP)
- chief-justice
- associate justice
- circuit judge
- county judge
- judge of the district court
- appeals judge
- surrogate
- master of assize
- marshal of assize
- chancery judge
- tribune
- justice of the peace
- bencher
- hanging judge
- deemster
A connoisseur
A moderator
- arbiter
- referee
- umpire
- arbitrator
- adjudicator
- mediator
- ump
- ombudsman
- interpreter
- bench
- inspector
- cognoscente
- negotiator
- connoisseur
- evaluator
- intercessor
- critic
- deemster (isle of man)
- final authority
- judger
- go-between
- judicator
- judicature
- assessor
- ref
- judiciary
- justice
- moderator
- ordinary
- dempster
- puisne
- solomon
- accusatorial
- analytical
- circumspect
- discerning
- discretionary
- discriminatory
- inquisitorial
- judged
- judging
- judgmatic
- judgmental
- judicable
- judicative
- judicial
- judicious
- justiciable
- rational
- sagacious
Words Related to Judge
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.