Court Synonyms and Antonyms
An instrument for administering justice
- tribunal
- judiciary
- bar
- forum
- session
- judicature
- bench
- assize
- cortile
- court-of-law
- courtyard
- docket
- law court
- courtroom
- judicatory
- assizes
- jurisdiction
- chancery
- litigation
- mall
- seat of justice
- princelyretinue
- quadrangle
- recourse
- royal-household
- testimony
- trial
The home of a court, sense 2
- courthouse
- justice building
- court building
- hall of justice
- courtroom
- federal building
- county courthouse
- municipal building
- city-hall
- town-hall
To woo
- invite
- bid
- solicit
- address
- beseech
- entice
- attract
- allure
- entreat
- importune
- sue for
- pursue
- follow
- seek after
- make suit
- supplicate
- plead
- make love to
- pay court to
- pay attentions to
- seek the hand of
- pay one's addresses to
- flirt with
- philander
- coquet
- provoke
- make overtures
- make advances
- go courting
- propose
- make a proposal
- ask in marriage
- set one's cap for
- pop-the-question
- chase
- run after
- make time with
- go-steady
- go-together
- go with
- make a play for
- tempt
Words Related to Court
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.