Commentator Synonyms

A person who evaluates and reports on the worth of something
  1. critic
  2. judge
  3. reviewer
  4. euhemerist
  5. paraphrast
A writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
  1. observer
  2. critic
  3. analyst
  4. reporter
  5. writer
  6. pundit
  7. annotator
  8. announcer
  9. columnist
  10. correspondent
  11. reviewer
  12. exegete
  13. exegetist
  14. expositor
  15. glossarist
  16. glossator
  17. postillator
  18. cryptologist
  19. scholiast
  20. demythologizer
  21. emendator
  22. emender
  23. exegesist
  24. hermeneut
  25. metaphrast

Words Related to Commentator

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.