Free Synonyms and Antonyms

Able to move about at will without bounds or restraint
  1. unfree
Having political independence
Not restricted in space; said of persons
  1. unoccupied
  2. unconfined
  3. unconstrained
  4. at large
  5. loose
  6. cast loose
  7. clear of
  8. open
  9. escaped
  10. let out
  11. let off
  12. unshackled
  13. unfettered
  14. scot-free
  15. free as air
  16. free-as-a-bird
  17. free to come and go
  18. at liberty
  19. at-leisure
  20. unengaged
  21. disengaged
  22. uninhabited
  23. available
  24. not tied down
  25. footloose-and-fancy-free
  26. on-the-loose
  27. without cost
  28. gratis
  29. for-nothing
  30. permit
  31. give permission
  32. encourage
  33. exploit
  34. utilize
  35. appropriate
  36. take liberties with
  37. release
  38. liberate
  39. discharge
  40. emancipate
  41. generously
  42. lavishly
  43. liberally
  44. freely
  45. unreserved
Given without charge
  1. complimentary
  2. gratis
  3. gratuitous
  4. free-of-charge
  5. for-free
  6. without charge
  7. for-nothing
  8. free of cost
  9. on-the-house
  10. for love
  11. as a comp
  12. as a freebie
  13. for a thank-you
  14. free for nothing
  15. costless
Not restricted in speech or conduct
  1. bound
  2. unfree
Not restricted in space; said of things
Freed from contact or connection
  1. clear
  2. semiretired
Make (assets) available
Free from obligations or duties
  1. discharge
Not fixed in position
  1. detached
Without restraint
  1. loose

Words Related to Free

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.