Act Synonyms and Antonyms

An action
A division of a play
  1. scene
  2. curtain
  3. prologue
  4. epilogue
  5. introduction
  6. entr-acte
  7. interlude
  8. finale
  9. unit of dramatic action
  10. enaction
  11. jus
  12. maintien
A short performance in a show
To conduct oneself
  1. behave
  2. do
  3. seem
  4. acquit
  5. appear
  6. carry-oneself
  7. bear
  8. acquit oneself
  9. comport oneself
  10. bear oneself
  11. handle oneself
  12. carry
  13. demean oneself
  14. comport
  15. give the appearance of
  16. represent oneself as
  17. demean
  18. take on
  19. play one's part
  20. deport
  21. impress one as
  22. cut-a-figure
  23. quit
To behave affectedly or insincerely or take on a false or misleading appearance of
To perform an action
To react in a specified way
To play a role in or as if in a play
To produce on the stage.
  1. in-flagrante-delicto
  2. in-the-act
  3. red-handed

Words Related to Act

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.