Anger Synonyms and Antonyms
A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility
- ire
- rage
- indignation
- choler
- wrath
- fury
- resentment
- acrimony
- animosity
- displeasure
- passion
- dudgeon
- frenzy
- irascibility
- temper
- exasperation
- conniption
- fit
- petulance
- vexation
- tantrum
- umbrage
- pique
- spleen
- hatred
- bad or ill temper
- hostility
- outrage
- vengeful passion
- revengeful passion
- hot temper
- irritation
- impatience
- annoyance
- antagonism
- animus
- hot blood
- asperity
- violence
- chagrin
- agitation
- excitement
- disapprobation
- ebullition
- temper-tantrum
- high dudgeon
- flare-up
- fretfulness
- rankling
- peevishness
- fume
- grievance
- huff
- grudge
- gall
- irateness
- hoity-toity
- black mood
- incensement
- aggravation
- invective
- conniption fit
- slow-burn
- bile
- irritability
- dander
- malice
- snit
- distemper
- offense
- paroxysm
- rancor
- angriness
- tiff
- turbulence
- virulence
- vituperation
- ira
- enragement
To arouse (someone) to anger
- enrage
- incense
- infuriate
- madden
- provoke
- annoy
- cross
- irritate
- gall
- goad
- exasperate
- exacerbate
- rankle
- inflame
- vex
- offend
- outrage
- ruffle
- pique
- rile
- arouse
- get on one's nerves
- agitate
- burn
- affront
- bait
- put out of humor
- fret
- put into a temper
- drive into a rage
- chafe
- nettle
- excite
- work up
- acrimony
- arouse resentment
- provoke ire
- aggravate
- arouse ire
- alienate
- embitter
- antagonize
- goad into a frenzy
- bile
- craze
- bridle
- make angry
- burning
- stir-up
- choler
- dander
- displease
- enkindle
- displeasure
- burn up
- make all hot and bothered
- envenom
- get-one-s-back-up
- get one's goat
- get in one's hair
- make the fur fly
- get one's dander up
- fury
- put one's dander up
- make bad blood
- make one's blood boil
- stir up a hornet's nest
- make sore
- make one blow one's top
- make one blow one's stack
- steam up
- ire
- miff
- tick off
- irk
- tee-off
- mad
- rage
- rancor
- tantrum
- temper
- vip
- wrath
State of being mad, annoyed
- angriness
Words Related to Anger
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.