Pack Synonyms and Antonyms

A package
A medical dressing
A set of cards
  1. deck
  2. canasta deck
  3. poker deck
  4. rummy deck
  5. bridge deck
  6. pinochle deck
  7. set
  8. assortment
To prepare for transportation
  1. carry
  2. prepare
  3. gather
  4. bear
  5. collect
  6. make-ready
  7. get-ready
  8. put in order
  9. stow-away
  10. dispose
  11. cinch
  12. sock up
  13. tie with a diamond hitch
  14. tie
  15. have
  16. bind
  17. brace
  18. fasten
  19. possess
  20. take
To fill by entering; often used with ""in'' or ""out''
To transport by using pack animals; often used with ""in'' or ""out''
  1. carry
  2. backpack
  3. freight
  4. journey
  5. trek
  6. compact
  7. haul around
  8. go by muleback
  9. take a pack train
Load with a pack
  1. load down

Words Related to Pack

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.