Adjust Synonyms and Antonyms
To bring into agreement
- accommodate
- conform
- adapt
- change
- acclimate
- alter
- acclimatize
- arrange
- accustom
- modify
- reconcile
- coordinate
- attune
- harmonize
- regulate
- resolve
- rectify
- redress
- set
- straighten
- suit
- tailor
- correct
- settle
- acculturate
- get used to
- address
- align
- habituate
- accord
- assimilate
- fashion
- balance
- bend
- patch-up
- arbitrate
- collimate
- fit
- concinnate
- mediate
- set right
- put to rights
- equalize
- standardize
- modulate
- square
- make correspond
- move
- orientate
- gear to
- make jibe
- remedy
- reset
- rig
- routinize
- synchronize
- systematize
- temper
- trim
- true
- tune
- voice
To place or regulate parts
- calibrate
- readjust
- regulate
- set
- repair
- fix
- put in order
- stabilize
- tune
- tune-up
- fine-tune
- synchronize
- customize
- connect
- square
- balance
- tighten
- fit
- focus
- tailor
- rectify
- correct
- mend
- improve
- overhaul
- grind
- sharpen
- renovate
- collate
- bring into line
- align
- put in working order
- temper
- service
- do a repair job
- trouble-shoot
- tweak
- revamp
- put in A-1 condition
To change so as to be suitable to or conform with something else:
Words Related to Adjust
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.