Suit Synonyms and Antonyms

A series
  1. suite
  2. set
  3. group
A case at law
  1. lawsuit
  2. action
  3. case
  4. cause
  5. litigation
  6. prosecute
  7. start legal proceedings
  8. initiate a case
  9. accord with
  10. regulate one's actions by
  11. instance
  12. take a cue from
  13. causa
  1. demand
  2. order
To meet a need or requirement
To be in accord with
  1. befit
  2. beseem
  3. become
  4. accommodate
  5. be agreeable
  6. behoove
  7. fit
  8. be appropriate to
To look good on or with
To be satisfactory to
  1. please
  2. satisfy
A set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color
  1. suit of clothes

Words Related to Suit

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.