Short Synonyms and Antonyms
Not long in time
- brief
- concise
- curtailed
- condensed
- abbreviated
- crisp
- laconic
- pithy
- epigrammatic
- succinct
- terse
- summary
- cut-short
- not protracted
- unprolonged
- unsustained
- abrupt
- pointed
- brittle
- compendious
- precise
- bare
- contracted
- abridged
- curt
- light
- unretentive
- summarized
- deciduous
- deficient
- aphoristic
- diminished
- diminutive
- ephemeral
- compressed
- compact
- expeditious
- short-term
- friable
- fugitive
- short-lived
- gnomic
- fleeting
- inadequate
- insufficient
- quick
- lacking
- hasty
- limited
- momentaneous
- scanty
- sententious
- shortened
- shy
- transient
- transitory
- truncated
- uncivil
- unsupplied
- forgetful
- scant
Not long in space
- fast
- little
- low
- skimpy
- slight
- not tall
- not-long
- undersized
- brief
- abbreviated
- dwarfish
- stubby
- expeditious
- squat
- stunted
- stocky
- diminutive
- tiny
- small
- dwarf
- dwarfed
- flying
- close to the ground
- dumpy
- chunky
- thickset
- hasty
- compact
- stumpy
- sawed-off
- runty
- pint-sized
- hurried
- half-pint
- pocket-sized
- not reach
- be unsuccessful
- quick
- be inadequate
- fall down
- as a nickname
- familiarly
- rapid
- commonly
- that-is
- in-summary
- to make a long story short
- speedy
- swift
Without any warning
- abruptly
- suddenly
- abbreviated
- abridged
- abrupt
- brief
- briefly
- compact
- compendious
- concise
- condensed
- curtly
- crisp
- crumbling
- curt
- curtail
- deficient
- diminutive
- hasty
- inadequate
- incomplete
- insufficient
- lilliputian
- little
- momentary
- petite
- rude
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- skimpy
- unanticipatedly
- slight
- small
- spare
- squat
- stunted
- succinct
- summary
- terse
- dead
- shortly
Create a short circuit in
The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
Not diphthongized [the short a in “pan”]
Words Related to Short
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.