Dead Synonyms and Antonyms

Without life
  1. extinct
  2. deceased
  3. departed
  4. lifeless
  5. late
  6. inanimate
  7. defunct
  8. perished
  9. expired
  10. brain-dead
  11. former
  12. cadaverous
  13. mortified
  14. no longer living
  15. not endowed with life
  16. devoid of life
  17. deprived of life
  18. gone
  19. clinically-dead
  20. in the grave
  21. breathless
  22. still
  23. ad patres
  24. no more
  25. gone the way of all flesh
  26. amort
  27. gone to one's reward
  28. gone to meet one's Maker
  29. anesthetic
  30. out of one's misery
  31. gone to one's last rest
  32. barren
  33. gone to a better place
  34. gathered to one's fathers
  35. callous
  36. with the saints
  37. beneath the sod
  38. decease
  39. numbered with the dead
  40. bereft of life
  41. at-rest
  42. asleep in the Lord
  43. resting in peace
  44. fallen
  45. demised
  46. gone to glory
  47. cut off
  48. bought-the-farm
  49. deserted
  50. dead-as-a-doornail
  51. done for
  52. exanimate
  53. gone west
  54. liquidated
  55. wasted
  56. snuffed out
  57. impassive
  58. erased
  59. gone home in a box
  60. pushing-up-daisies
  61. put-to-bed-with-a-shovel
  62. inert
  63. grounded for good
  64. washed-up
  65. inorganic
  66. clay-cold
  67. stone-cold
  68. insensible
  69. insentient
  70. irrevocable
  71. monotonous
  72. moribund
  73. gruelly
  74. mortuary
  75. obtuse
  76. subdued
  77. torpid
  78. unfeeling
  79. unresponsive
  80. unflavored
Without the appearance of life
  1. final
  2. total
  3. utter
  4. idle
  5. unconditional
  6. anechoic
  7. spiceless
Devoid of physical sensation; numb
  1. deadened
People who are no longer living
  1. the departed
  2. the deceased
  3. annihilation
  4. consummation
  5. death
  6. decedent
  7. demise
  8. extinction
  9. fatality
  10. one's fathers
  11. mortality
  12. necrophilism
  13. netherworld
  14. belowground
  15. kaputt
  16. quietus
  17. rigor-mortis

Words Related to Dead

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.