Personal ambition doubtless played a part; but he must have soon realized that the French people had wearied of "legitimism" and that a regency in the circumstances was impossible.
The nonconformists have, moreover, never wearied of denouncing the " papistical " conservatism of the Anglican establishment.
Nerva seems nevertheless to have soon wearied of the uncongenial task of governing, and his anxiety to be rid of it was quickened by the discovery that not even his blameless life and mild rule protected him against intrigue and disaffection.
Wearied out by their oppressions, its chief in 1812 petitioned for English protection, on the condition of his state becoming tributary on the expulsion of the Mahrattas.
So by his counsel the queen, while nominally in league with De Retz and the parliamentary Fronde, laboured to form a purely royal party, wearied by civil dissensions, who should act for her and her son's interest alone, under the leadership of Mathieu Mole, the famous premier president of the parlement of Paris.