Death Synonyms and Antonyms

The cessation of life
  1. decease
  2. demise
  3. dissolution
  4. dying
  5. extinction
  6. passing
  7. quietus
  8. departure
  9. expiration
  10. euthanasia
  11. mortality
  12. end
  13. loss
  14. exit
  15. brain death
  16. curtains
  17. failure of vital functions
  18. loss-of-life
  19. release
  20. parting
  21. end of life
  22. oblivion
  23. ante-mortem
  24. passing-away
  25. bane
  26. biolysis
  27. casualty
  28. perishing
  29. crossbones
  30. necrosis
  31. decay
  32. rigor-mortis
  33. the Grim Reaper
  34. decedent
  35. thanatos
  36. azrael
  37. dirge
  38. doom
  39. finish
  40. finis
  41. roll-call
  42. euthanasia (an easy death).associated-words: eschatology
  43. the way of all flesh
  44. euthanasian
  45. debt to nature
  46. the Great Divide
  47. crossing the river
  48. crossing the bar
  49. fatal
  50. the great adventure
  51. fatality
  52. funeral
  53. eternal rest
  54. grim-reaper
  55. last rest
  56. inextremis
  57. the deep end
  58. last roundup
  59. mort
  60. rest
  61. murder
  62. necrolatry
  63. necrologist
  64. necrology
  65. necromancy
  66. necrophobia
  67. obit
  68. obitual
  69. passage
  70. placebo
  71. post mortem
  72. posthumous
  73. requiem
  74. sleep
  75. thanatology
  76. thanatophobia
  77. thanatopsis
  78. expiry
The state after death
  1. heaven
  2. hell
  3. repose
  4. sleep
  5. separation
  6. darkness
  7. casualty
  8. afterlife
  9. other world
  10. grave
  11. tomb
  12. future home
  13. paradise
  14. purgatory
  15. eternal rest
  16. abraham-s-bosom
  17. the big sleep
  18. failing
  19. wasting-away
  20. nearly dead
  21. end
  22. execute
  23. cause to be killed
  24. murder
  25. very-much
  26. extremely
  27. to the extreme
  28. to the end
  29. to the bitter end
  30. constantly
  31. always
  32. fatality
  33. destruction
The time at which life ends; continuing until dead
  1. last

Words Related to Death

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.