Decay Synonyms and Antonyms

To become or cause to become rotten or unsound
  1. disintegrate
  2. decompose
  3. rot
  4. putrefy
  5. molder
  6. spoil
  7. crumble
  8. deteriorate
  9. break down
  10. corrode
  11. atrophy
  12. collapse
  13. fade
  14. decline
  15. mildew
  16. turn
  17. wither
  18. rust
  19. fail
  20. blight
  21. go-to-seed
  22. be impaired
  23. break up
  24. curdle
  25. discolor
  26. mold
  27. dry-rot
  28. corrupt
  29. putresce
  30. biodegrade
  31. deliquesce
  32. degenerate
  33. become tainted
  34. become contaminated
  35. caries
  36. shrivel
  37. pejorate
  38. suppurate
  39. depreciate
  40. worsen
  41. sink
  42. death
  43. go-bad
  44. fall off
  45. fall-apart
  46. decadence
  47. fall into decay
  48. fall-away
  49. fall-to-pieces
  50. slump
  51. fade-away
  52. wear away
  53. erode
  54. decrease
  55. eat-away
  56. get worse
  57. destruction
  58. lessen
  59. sicken
  60. weaken
  61. waste-away
  62. dilapidation
  63. go from bad to worse
  64. touch bottom
  65. slow-down
  66. thin-out
  67. go to rack and ruin
  68. dwindle
  69. fall on evil days
  70. go-to-the-dogs
  71. hit-the-skids
  72. go-to-pot
  73. die-on-the-vine
  74. reach a new low
  75. reach the depths
  76. fester
  77. hit rock bottom
  78. taint
  79. moulder
  80. retrograde
  81. ruin
  82. sour
  83. waste
  84. dilapidate
  1. broken-down
  2. decrepit
  3. dilapidated
  4. saprophagous
  5. saprophytic

Words Related to Decay

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
