Depreciate Synonyms and Antonyms
To decline in value or quantity
- increase
- appreciate
- overrate
- gain value
- raise
- rate
To lower in reputation
- deprecate
- belittle
- decry
- denigrate
- disparage
- derogate
- minimize
- downgrade
- attack
- run down
- detract
- ridicule
- traduce
- undervalue
- revile
- slight
- vilify
- smear
- lower
- discredit
- condemn
- vilipend
- denounce
- dispraise
- calumniate
- underrate
- cast aspersions on
- defame
- abase
- malign
- slander
- sneer at
- fault
- cheapen
- deride
- spurn
- make slighting reference to
- degrade
- speak-ill-of
- demote
- contemn
- discount
- slur
- hold-cheap
- scoff at
- depress
- find fault with
- make-light-of
- make little of
- play down
- devalue
- downplay
- diminish
- pooh-pooh
- knock
- put down
- take-down-a-peg
- cut down to size
- lessen
- rap
- slam
- minify
- roast
- reduce
- talk down
- shrink
To think or speak of as being of little worth; belittle.
- denigration
- depreciation
- disparagement
- pejoration
Words Related to Depreciate
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.