Compliment Synonyms and Antonyms
An expression of admiration or congratulation
An expression of warm approval
- praise
- flattery
- acclaim
- commendation
- applause
- acclamation
- encomium
- eulogy
- laudation
- panegyric
- kudos
- felicitation
- tribute
- approval
- endorsement
- sanction
- complimentary remark
- celebration
- adulation
- notice
- regards
- honor
- appreciation
- recognition
- respects
- blessing
- accolades
- plaudits
- veneration
- admiration
- congratulation
- homage
- good word
- trade-last
- T.L.
- bouquet
- pat-on-the-back
- stroke
- plaudit
An act requiring special generosity
To flatter
- praise
- commend
- applaud
- laud
- acclaim
- extol
- congratulate
- endorse
- sanction
- pay a compliment to
- sing-the-praises-of
- speak highly of
- exalt
- make much of
- ingratiate oneself with
- soothe
- charm
- adulation
- worship
- eulogize
- glorify
- panegyrize
- magnify
- cajole
- commendation
- fawn upon
- toady to
- truckle to
- eulogy
- adulate
- hail
- honor
- pay tribute to
- butter up
- flattery
- puff-up
- hand it to
- gratuity
- pat-on-the-back
- give a bouquet
- kudos
- stroke
- lay-it-on-thick
- notice
- respects
- salute
- sentiment
- tribute
To congratulate
- praise
- felicitate
- wish joy to
- rejoice with
- commend
- remember
- commemorate
- send a remembrance
- pay one's respects
- greet
- honor
- cheer
- congratulate
- salute
- hail
- toast
- applaud
- celebrate
- pay tribute to
Words Related to Compliment
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.