Examine Synonyms
To inspect with care
- study
- check
- investigate
- analyze
- inspect
- scrutinize
- peruse
- canvass
- audit
- explore
- survey
- probe
- look-at
- scan
- observe
- sift
- review
- test
- search
- case
- traverse
- view
- inquire into
- delve into
- go-into
- reconnoiter
- take stock of
- take note of
- make an inventory of
- consider
- con
- ransack
- assay
- check out
- check-up-on
- reexamine
- go back over
- concentrate on
- give one's attention to
- go over
- contemplate
- look into
- see-into
- look over
- pore-over
- anatomize
- go through
- conduct research on
- research
- appraise
- fathom
- thresh out
- ask
- search out
- track down
- smell out
- assess
- see about
- run checks on
- run tests on
- put-to-the-test
- parse
- winnow
- sound-out
- catechise
- feel out
- subject to scrutiny
- run the eye over
- peer at
- collate
- peer into
- search into
- pry into
- cross-examine
- hold up to the light
- see
- finger
- dissect
- turn over
- pick over
- criticize
- look for flaws
- sample
- grill
- monitor
- vet
- heckle
- experiment with
- inquire
- give the once-over
- size up
- get the lay of
- play around with
- give a going-over
- interrogate
- poke around
- smell around
- nose around
- look up and down
- go over with a fine-toothed comb
- get the lay of the land
- cast the eyes over
- eyeball
- flip through the pages
- analyse
- palpate
- see-how-the-land-lies
- bury oneself in
- go behind
- perlustrate
- fool around with
- sit on
- dig-into
- dive into
- go deep into
- plumb
- ponder
- question
- reconnoitre
- screen
- text
- weigh
- canvas
To study closely or systematically
To question formally, as to elicit facts or information; interrogate:
Words Related to Examine
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.