Examine Synonyms

To inspect with care
  1. study
  2. check
  3. investigate
  4. analyze
  5. inspect
  6. scrutinize
  7. peruse
  8. canvass
  9. audit
  10. explore
  11. survey
  12. probe
  13. look-at
  14. scan
  15. observe
  16. sift
  17. review
  18. test
  19. search
  20. case
  21. traverse
  22. view
  23. inquire into
  24. delve into
  25. go-into
  26. reconnoiter
  27. take stock of
  28. take note of
  29. make an inventory of
  30. consider
  31. con
  32. ransack
  33. assay
  34. check out
  35. check-up-on
  36. reexamine
  37. go back over
  38. concentrate on
  39. give one's attention to
  40. go over
  41. contemplate
  42. look into
  43. see-into
  44. look over
  45. pore-over
  46. anatomize
  47. go through
  48. conduct research on
  49. research
  50. appraise
  51. fathom
  52. thresh out
  53. ask
  54. search out
  55. track down
  56. smell out
  57. assess
  58. see about
  59. run checks on
  60. run tests on
  61. put-to-the-test
  62. parse
  63. winnow
  64. sound-out
  65. catechise
  66. feel out
  67. subject to scrutiny
  68. run the eye over
  69. peer at
  70. collate
  71. peer into
  72. search into
  73. pry into
  74. cross-examine
  75. hold up to the light
  76. see
  77. finger
  78. dissect
  79. turn over
  80. pick over
  81. criticize
  82. look for flaws
  83. sample
  84. grill
  85. monitor
  86. vet
  87. heckle
  88. experiment with
  89. inquire
  90. give the once-over
  91. size up
  92. get the lay of
  93. play around with
  94. give a going-over
  95. interrogate
  96. poke around
  97. smell around
  98. nose around
  99. look up and down
  100. go over with a fine-toothed comb
  101. get the lay of the land
  102. cast the eyes over
  103. eyeball
  104. flip through the pages
  105. analyse
  106. palpate
  107. see-how-the-land-lies
  108. bury oneself in
  109. go behind
  110. perlustrate
  111. fool around with
  112. sit on
  113. dig-into
  114. dive into
  115. go deep into
  116. plumb
  117. ponder
  118. question
  119. reconnoitre
  120. screen
  121. text
  122. weigh
  123. canvas
To study closely or systematically
To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality
To put a question to (someone)
To question formally, as to elicit facts or information; interrogate:
  1. ask

Words Related to Examine

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.