Plug Synonyms and Antonyms

An implement to stop an opening
  1. opening
  2. mouth
An electrical fitting
  1. attachment plug
  2. fitting
  3. connection
  4. wall-plug
  5. male plug
  6. spark-plug
  7. floor plug
  8. plug fuse
  9. sparking-plug
A systematic effort or part of this effort to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity
A large pipe with a discharge valve
  1. water plug
  2. fire-hydrant
  3. fire plug
Tobacco prepared for chewing
  1. chew
  2. chaw
  3. cake of tobacco
  4. chewing-tobacco
  5. twist
  6. cut
  7. baccy
  8. chawin'
  9. chewin
  10. pack of scrap
  11. cud
  12. quid
  13. wad
To wound or kill with a firearm
  1. unplug
  2. unstopper
  3. uncork
*An inferior horse
  1. hack
  2. nag
  3. plowhorse
  4. scrub
  5. jade
To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product)
To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity
Persist in working hard
  1. plug-away

Words Related to Plug

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.