Advertise Synonyms and Antonyms
To make (information) generally known
To make public
- announce
- broadcast
- declare
- publicize
- proclaim
- blazon
- communicate
- disclose
- circulate
- notify
- promulgate
- divulge
- air
- advertize
- inform
- show
- propagandize
- plug
- promote
- publish
- trumpet
- herald
- push
- display
- exhibit
- reveal
- expose
- unmask
- annunciate
- uncover
- publish abroad
- issue
- advocate
- placard
- show off
- parade
- flaunt
- ballyhoo
- vent
- post
- bark
- propagate
- sell
- disseminate
- celebrate
- boast
- spread
- splash
- put on display
- publicise
- unveil
- acquaint
- convey
- apprise
- noise abroad
- make-known
- announce publicly
- make a public announcement of
- lay before the public
- endorse
- call public attention to
- give public notice of
- exploit
- go-public
- bruit about
- blaze abroad
- give out; press-agent
- pitch
- play up
- puff
- report
- tout
To make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales.
Words Related to Advertise
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.