Concentrate Synonyms and Antonyms

Cook until very little liquid is left
To employ all one's mental powers
  1. buckle down
  2. focus
  3. fix one's attention
  4. focus on
  5. apply-oneself
  6. bring the mind to bear
  7. think hard
  8. give exclusive attention to
  9. address
  10. meditate
  11. meditate upon
  12. ponder
  13. focus attention on
  14. fasten on
  15. apply
  16. direct all one's attention to
  17. muse
  18. muse over
  19. weigh
  20. consider closely
  21. bend
  22. scrutinize
  23. attend closely
  24. regard carefully
  25. contemplate
  26. ruminate
  27. study deeply
  28. peruse carefully
  29. examine closely
  30. brood over
  31. put one's mind to
  32. dedicate
  33. be engrossed in
  34. think about with absorption
  35. occupy the mind with
  36. occupy the thoughts with
  37. apply the mind
  38. devote
  39. give-heed
  40. pay-heed
  41. fix one's thoughts
  42. focus one's thoughts
  43. give the mind to
  44. direct
  45. direct the mind to
  46. rivet one's attention
  47. rack-one-s-brains
  48. get on the beam
  49. keep-one-s-eye-on-the-ball
  50. knuckle-down
  51. apply the seat of one's pants to the chair
  52. zero-in-on
  53. give
  54. turn
  1. be inattentive
  2. drift
  3. ignore
The desired mineral that is left after impurities have been removed from mined ore
  1. let mind wander
  2. pay no attention
  1. concentrated
  2. engrossed
  3. inspissated
  4. intent

Words Related to Concentrate

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.