Concentrate Synonyms and Antonyms
To bring or come together
- center
- focus
- gather
- condense
- accumulate
- assemble
- converge
- compact
- distill
- centralize
- consolidate
- channel
- mass
- intensify
- conglomerate
- focalize
- contract
- amass
- combine
- collect
- cluster
- coalesce
- concenter
- bring into a small compass
- bring toward a central point
- embody
- localize
- strengthen
- agglutinate
- bring to bear on one point
- direct
- direct toward one object
- fix
- attend
- constrict
- agglomerate
- reduce
- aggregate
- crowd together
- draw together
- flock together
- muster
- bunch
- store
- heap-up
- swarm
- epitomize
- forgather
- essence
- congest
- examine
- narrow
- compress
- congregate
- fixate
- huddle
- hoard
- garner
- meditate
- centre
- nucleate
- pile
- rectify
- scrutinize
- thicken
- unify
- pore
- rivet
Make central
To employ all one's mental powers
- buckle down
- focus
- fix one's attention
- focus on
- apply-oneself
- bring the mind to bear
- think hard
- give exclusive attention to
- address
- meditate
- meditate upon
- ponder
- focus attention on
- fasten on
- apply
- direct all one's attention to
- muse
- muse over
- weigh
- consider closely
- bend
- scrutinize
- attend closely
- regard carefully
- contemplate
- ruminate
- study deeply
- peruse carefully
- examine closely
- brood over
- put one's mind to
- dedicate
- be engrossed in
- think about with absorption
- occupy the mind with
- occupy the thoughts with
- apply the mind
- devote
- give-heed
- pay-heed
- fix one's thoughts
- focus one's thoughts
- give the mind to
- direct
- direct the mind to
- rivet one's attention
- rack-one-s-brains
- get on the beam
- keep-one-s-eye-on-the-ball
- knuckle-down
- apply the seat of one's pants to the chair
- zero-in-on
- give
- turn
The desired mineral that is left after impurities have been removed from mined ore
- agglutination
- centralization
- concentrate
- dressed ore
- concentration
- essence
- inspissation
- monomania
- nidus
- nucleation
- nucleus
- polarization
- quintessence
- let mind wander
- pay no attention
- concentrated
- engrossed
- inspissated
- intent
Words Related to Concentrate
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.