Accuse Synonyms and Antonyms

To make an accusation against
  1. incriminate
  2. arraign
  3. denounce
  4. attack
  5. indict
  6. impeach
  7. charge
  8. tax
  9. blame
  10. challenge
  11. inculpate
  12. reproach
  13. recriminate
  14. allege
  15. criminate
  16. charge with
  17. arrest
  18. censure
  19. hold responsible
  20. prefer charges
  21. file a claim
  22. fault
  23. find-fault
  24. brand
  25. impute
  26. involve
  27. implicate
  28. summon
  29. litigate
  30. apprehend
  31. sue
  32. bring up on charges
  33. press-charges
  34. accost
  35. prosecute
  36. slander
  37. libel
  38. betray
  39. slur
  40. cite
  41. reprove
  42. haul into court
  43. bring into court
  44. have the law on
  45. inform against
  46. hold accountable
  47. bring proceedings against
  48. calumniate
  49. bring charges against
  50. appeal to law
  51. bring to trial
  52. serve with a summons
  53. complain against
  54. lodge a complaint
  55. charge to
  56. declaim against
  57. fix the responsibility for
  58. connect with
  59. cast blame upon
  60. defame
  61. place to one's account
  62. hall into court
  63. hang something on
  64. pin something on
  65. put the finger on
  66. finger
  67. put the screws on
  68. smear
  69. pin the blame on
  70. hold-against
  71. point-the-finger-at
  72. fasten on
  73. lay at one's door
  74. throw in one's teeth
  75. bring home to
  76. invoke
  77. point
  78. anathemize
  79. repudiate
  80. reveal
  81. tell
  1. accusatory
  2. accused
  3. blameworthy
  4. censurable
  5. guilty
  6. imputable
  7. inculpative
  8. inculpatory
  9. peccable
  10. recriminative
  11. recriminatory
  12. reprehensible
  13. reprovable

Words Related to Accuse

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.