Warn Synonyms
To notify (someone) of imminent danger or risk
- admonish
- alert
- caution
- forewarn
- advise
- apprise
- alarm
- inform
- counsel
- notify
- signal
- predict
- threaten
- tip-off
- remind
- give-notice
- put on guard
- give (fair) warning
- forearm
- prepare for the worst
- offer a word of caution
- tell
- exhort
- enjoin
- reprove
- forbid
- prepare
- remonstrate
- urge
- recommend
- suggest
- discourage
- hint
- put on one's guard
- put on the alert
- clue
- sound the alarm
- give the alarm
- put wise
- make red lights flash
- start bells ringing
- cry-wolf
- give the high sign
- put a bug in one's ear
- cry-havoc
- read the riot act. See syn. study at advise.advise
- read the riot act
- premonish
- presage
- tip
- monish
Words Related to Warn
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
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