To notify (someone) of imminent danger or risk
  1. admonish
  2. alert
  3. caution
  4. forewarn
  5. advise
  6. apprise
  7. alarm
  8. inform
  9. counsel
  10. notify
  11. signal
  12. predict
  13. threaten
  14. tip-off
  15. remind
  16. give-notice
  17. put on guard
  18. give (fair) warning
  19. forearm
  20. prepare for the worst
  21. offer a word of caution
  22. tell
  23. exhort
  24. enjoin
  25. reprove
  26. forbid
  27. prepare
  28. remonstrate
  29. urge
  30. recommend
  31. suggest
  32. discourage
  33. hint
  34. put on one's guard
  35. put on the alert
  36. clue
  37. sound the alarm
  38. give the alarm
  39. put wise
  40. make red lights flash
  41. start bells ringing
  42. cry-wolf
  43. give the high sign
  44. put a bug in one's ear
  45. cry-havoc
  46. read the riot act. See syn. study at advise.advise
  47. read the riot act
  48. premonish
  49. presage
  50. tip
  51. monish

Words Related to Warn

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.