Dream Synonyms and Antonyms
Mental pictures
- fantasy
- illusion
- daydream
- vision
- fancy
- hallucination
- dreaming
- reverie
- trance
- phantasm
- nightmare
- apparition
- wraith
- specter
- incubus
- chimera
- image
- fiction
- cloud-cuckoo-land
- mirage
- figment
- idea
- impression
- fantasia
- romance
- dream-life
- evidence of the unconscious
- flight-of-fancy
- castle in the air
- phantasma
- castle in Spain
- air castle
- phantasmagoria
- revery
- vagary
- wild conceit
A fond hope
Unattainable idea
To have visions, usually during sleep or fever
- visualize
- be delirious
- have nightmares
- see in a vision
- have flashes
- hallucinate
- fancy
- envisage
To entertain or delude oneself with imagined things
- daydream
- fantasize
- imagine
- fancy
- muse
- stargaze
- woolgather
- indulge in reveries
- conceive
- have notions
- conjure-up
- create
- picture
- visualize
- apparition
- aspiration
- moon
- chimera
- idealize
- desire
- be up in the clouds
- expectation
- be on cloud nine
- build-castles-in-the-air
- build castles in Spain
- go woolgathering
- fantasy
- be moonstruck
- let one's mind wander
- goal
- talk-through-one-s-hat
- hallucination
- pipe dream
- blow bubbles
- hope
- search for the rainbow's end
- ideal
- look for the pot of gold
- illusion
- image
- nightmare
- reverie
- surreal
- trance
- vision
- wish
To have a fervent hope or aspiration
Words Related to Dream
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.