Rebel Synonyms and Antonyms
A person engaged in a political revolution
- insurgent
- insurrectionist
- mutineer
- insurrectionary
- agitator
- anarchist
- revolutionary
- radical
- dissident
- revolutionist
- dissenter
- subversive
- revolter
- freedom-fighter
- turncoat
- traitor
- guerrilla
- seditionist
- subverter
- overthrower
- nihilist
- member of the uprising
- rioter
- separatist
- demagogue
- malcontent
- schismatic
- firebrand
- deserter
- maverick
- frondeur
- seceder
- apostate
- heretic
- sectarian
- counterrevolutionary
- incendiary
- renegade
- secessionist
- Sinn Feiner
- trotskyite
- underground worker
- Third Worlder
- nonconformist
- refusenik
- recusant
- sansculotte
- young-turk
To resist or endeavor to overthrow a government or other authority
- rise
- mutiny
- revolt
- resist
- arise
- rise-up
- oppose
- riot
- renegade
- secede
- turn-against
- defy
- resist authority
- resist lawful authority
- fight in the streets
- strike
- boycott
- break-with
- adversary
- overturn
- anarchist
- antagonist
- take up arms against
- start an uprising
- start a confrontation
- demagogue
- denounce
- renounce
- combat
- dissenter
- iconoclast
- be insubordinate
- insubordinate
- be treasonable
- upset
- insurgent
- overthrow
- mutineer
- dethrone
- disobey
- raise-hell
- nonconformist
- kick up a row
- run-amok
- radical
- recusant
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
A person of independent opinions
- independent
- individualist
- iconoclast
- nonconformist
- maverick
- innovator
- experimenter
- experientialist
- malcontent
To object
- dispute
- resist
- shrink from
- be repelled
Not obeying
`Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms
Words Related to Rebel
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.