Dressing Synonyms and Antonyms

A food mixture
To prepare (soil) for the planting and raising of crops
An external medical application
The act of clothing
  1. getting-dressed
  2. arraying
  3. robing
  4. appareling
  5. changing
  6. bandaging
  7. making a toilette
  8. adorning
  9. decking
  10. binding
Decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
Cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of
Savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type
  1. salad-dressing
A cloth covering for a wound or sore
  1. medical dressing

Words Related to Dressing

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
