Laurencio finally motioned a preening Toni into the shot.
The regiment fluttered like a bird preening its plumage and became motionless.
By the patient study of the behaviour of precocious young birds, such as chicks, pheasants, ducklings and moorhens, it can be readily ascertained that such modes of activity as running, swimming, diving, preening the down, scratching the ground, pecking at small objects, with the characteristic attitudes expressive of fear and anger, are so far instinctive as to be definite on their first occurrence - they do not require to be learnt.
Welcome to the world of conspicuous consumption, preening celebrities, snowbound indie film hopefuls and arrogant distributor moguls.
Juvenile rooks form long-term alliances, which are based on high levels of affiliative behavior (preening, food sharing) between partners.