People Synonyms and Antonyms
A body of persons having racial or social ties
The humbler portions of society
- masses
- folk
- commonalty
- mass
- plebeians
- proletariat
- rabble
- multitude
- rank-and-file
- hoi polloi
- the great unwashed
- the multitude
- the majority
- democracy
- crowd
- submerged tenth
- common people
- canaille
- common herd
- citizens
- clan
- commonality
- the underprivileged
- underdogs
- commoners
- community
- the public
- demos
- electorate
- the man in the street
- family
- commons
- folks
- citizenry
- hoi polloi (greek)
- homo sapiens
- humanity
- bourgeoisie (French)
- inhabit
- inhabitants
- los de abajo (Spanish)
- kin
- riffraff; rag
- kindred
- laity
- tag and bobtail; the mob
- mankind
- the herd
- men
- the horde
- menagerie
- the many
- nation
- pandemia
- person
- john-q-public
- persons
- Jane Q. Public
- plebeian
- plebs
- populace
- populate
- population
- public
- race
- ragtag
- relations
- relatives
- riffraff
- society
- stock
- throng
- tribe
- women
- close relatives
- kinsmen
- siblings
Words Related to People
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.