Heal Synonyms and Antonyms

To make well or sound
  1. cure
  2. remedy
  3. alleviate
  4. mend
  5. rehabilitate
  6. regenerate
  7. restore
  8. repair
  9. treat
  10. nurse
  11. purify
  12. renew
  13. attend
  14. minister to
  15. restore to health
  16. renovate
  17. fix
  18. make-whole
  19. reconstruct
  20. bring around
  21. relieve
  22. ease
  23. meliorate
  24. set
  25. rejuvenate
  26. medicate
  27. recall to life
  28. reinvigorate
  29. cicatrize
  30. dress a wound
  31. rebuild
  32. revive
  33. revitalize
  34. convalesce
  35. revivify
  36. purge
  37. reanimate
  38. work a cure
  39. cause to heal up
  40. resuscitate
  41. salve
  42. help to get well
  43. free
  44. make better
  45. care for
  46. take-care-of
  47. physic
  48. ameliorate
  49. patch-up
  50. reconcile
  51. conciliate
  52. recover
  53. set right
  54. snatch from the jaws of death
  55. doctor
  56. set up
  57. recuperate
  58. fix up
  59. put one on one's feet again
  60. breathe new life into
  61. give a new lease on life
  1. make ill
  2. harm
  3. sicken
  4. infect
To recover
  1. hurt
  2. aggravate
  3. injure
  4. get worse
  5. harm

Words Related to Heal

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.