Excuse Synonyms

To grant forgiveness to or for
To show to be just, right, or valid
To free from an obligation or duty
  1. absolve
  2. discharge
  3. condone
  4. exempt
  5. justify
  6. rationalize
  7. free
  8. acquit
  9. forgive
  10. extenuate
  11. exculpate
  12. pardon
  13. exonerate
  14. mitigate
  15. overlook
  16. palliate
  17. let off
  18. release
  19. alibi
  20. vindicate
  21. remit
  22. apologize for
  23. set-free
  24. reprieve
  25. clear of
  26. shrive
  27. dispense
  28. grant absolution
  29. pass over
  30. look-the-other-way
  31. apology
  32. shrug-off
  33. give as an excuse
  34. conciliate
  35. make excuses for
  36. make allowances (for)
  37. concoct
  38. make apologies for
  39. let-go
  40. permit to leave
  41. apologize
  42. defend
  43. dispense with
  44. grant remission
  45. remit a penalty for
  46. grant amnesty
  47. blot out one's sins
  48. expunge the record of
  49. purge
  50. provide with an alibi
  51. plead ignorance
  52. whitewash
  53. let off the hook
  54. let off easy
  55. apologise
  56. let off scot-free
  57. indulge
  58. wink at
  59. wipe-the-slate-clean
  60. relieve
  61. take the rap for
  62. out
  63. spare
  64. plea
  65. pretext
  66. rationalise
A pretended reason
A statement of acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon
Ask for permission to be released from an engagement
  1. beg-off
To explain (a fault or offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood; try to justify:
  1. forgive
  1. apologetic
  2. conciliatory
  3. condonable
  4. excusable
  5. excusatory
  6. justificatory
  7. pardonable
  8. placable
  9. venial
  10. vindicatory

Words Related to Excuse

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.