Censor Synonyms and Antonyms

To examine (material) and remove parts considered harmful or improper for publication or transmission
To keep from being published or transmitted
  1. ban
  2. suppress
  3. control
  4. forbid
  5. bowdlerize
  6. edit
  7. edit-out
  8. bleep
  9. black out
  10. restrict
  11. expurgate
  12. blue-pencil
  13. withhold
  14. stifle
  15. strike out
  16. enforce censorship
  17. control the flow of news
  18. inspect
  19. oversee
  20. abridge
  21. cut
  22. examine
  23. blip
  24. review
  25. criticize
  26. exert pressure
  27. hush
  28. conceal
  29. refuse transmission
  30. prevent publication
  31. critic
  32. kill
  33. delete
  34. blacklist
  35. throttle the press
  36. debase freedom of speech
  37. bleep-out
  38. stifle free expression
  39. interdict
  40. muzzle
  41. prohibit
  42. proscribe
  43. purge
  44. remove
  1. inspector
  2. judge
  3. caviler
  4. censurer
  5. expurgator
  6. critic
  7. guardian of morals
  8. detractor
  9. criticule
  10. reviewer
  11. protectionist
  12. smellfungus

Words Related to Censor

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.