Conform Synonyms and Antonyms

To be compatible or in correspondence
To make or become suitable to a particular situation or use
  1. agree
  2. adjust
  3. adapt
  4. accommodate
  5. fit
  6. follow
  7. suit
  8. acclimate
  9. acclimatize
  10. acquiesce
  11. comply
  12. correspond
  13. reconcile
  14. submit
  15. harmonize
  16. obey
  17. yield
  18. settle
  19. toe-the-line
  20. tailor
  21. fit-in
  22. assimilate
  23. accustom
  24. accord
  25. do as others do
  26. conventionalize
  27. fit the pattern
  28. fit the mold
  29. be conventional
  30. be regular
  31. settle-down
  32. abide by
  33. follow the rules
  34. get in line
  35. get into line
  36. go-by
  37. keep to
  38. fall-in-with
  39. fashion
  40. adhere
  41. apply
  42. be guided by
  43. follow the lead of
  44. follow-suit
  45. assent
  46. live up to
  47. measure up to
  48. keep-up-with
  49. be in fashion
  50. keep-up-with-the-joneses
  51. join the parade
  52. compose
  53. play the game
  54. go according to Hoyle
  55. follow the beaten path
  56. toe the mark
  57. run with the pack
  58. square
  59. swim with the stream
  60. follow-the-crowd
  61. travel in a rut
  62. do in Rome as the Romans do
  1. agree
  2. differ
  3. conflict
  4. disagree
  5. rebel. See syn. study at adjust
  6. deviate
  7. agree.adjust
  8. fight
  9. rebel
  10. refuse
To be in keeping with
To bring into accord
  1. mismatch
  2. not correspond
To act in conformity with
To make conventional
To be or act in accord with a set of standards, expectations, or specifications:
  1. correspond
To bring into accord or agreement; cause to correspond or comply:
  1. adapt
  1. accepted
  2. canonical
  3. conforming
  4. conventional
  5. ethical
  6. procrustean

Words Related to Conform

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.