Rack Synonyms and Antonyms

A frame
  1. stand
  2. hatrack
  3. holder
  4. receptacle
  5. framework
  6. shelf
  7. ledge
  8. perch
  9. bracket
  10. whatnot
  11. arbor
  12. trivet
  13. box
  14. counter
  15. trestle
  16. scaffold
  17. stretcher
  18. clothes rack
  19. hat-tree
  20. clothes-tree
  21. cake rack
  22. bottle rack
  23. wine-rack
  24. baker's rack
  25. pen rack
  26. gun rack
  27. tie rack
  28. towel rack
An engine of torture
  1. wheel
  2. wrack
  3. instrument of torture
  4. iron heel
  5. wooden horse
  6. thumbscrew
  7. iron-maiden
  8. boot
  9. water rack
  10. bed of Procrustes
  11. peine forte et dure (French)
  12. Oregon boot
To subject (another) to extreme physical cruelty, as in punishing
Run before a gale
  1. scud
Go at a rack
  1. single-foot
A rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
  1. single-foot
To cause great physical or mental suffering to:
  1. afflict

Words Related to Rack

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
