Swamp Synonyms and Antonyms

swŏmp, swômp
A usually low-lying area of soft waterlogged ground and standing water
  1. bog
  2. fen
  3. marsh
  4. morass
  5. mire
  6. quagmire
  7. slough
  8. bayou
  9. everglades
  10. swampland
  11. swale
  12. muskeg
  13. soft ground
  14. wet ground
  15. peat bog
  16. holm
  17. marshland
  18. bottoms
  19. river-bottoms
  20. moor
  21. spongy ground
  22. lowland
  23. bottomland
  24. cattail swamp
  25. marish
  26. tule swamp
  27. quag
  28. fen land
  29. boggy ground
  30. swampy ground
  31. miasma
  32. polder
  33. trembling prairie
  34. muskag
  35. wetland
  36. wash
  1. desert
  2. high-ground
  3. rocky ground
To affect as if by an outpouring of water
  1. fenny
  2. paludal
  3. swampy
  4. uliginose
  5. uliginous

Words Related to Swamp

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.