Hypocrisy Synonyms and Antonyms

A show or expression of feelings or beliefs one does not actually hold or possess
  1. pharisaism
  2. sanctimoniousness
  3. sanctimony
  4. bigotry
  5. lip-service
  6. dissimulation
  7. phoniness
  8. cant
  9. tartuffery
  10. pretense
  11. duplicity
  12. quackery
  13. casuistry
  14. affectation
  15. pietism
  16. false guise
  17. bad faith
  18. hollowness
  19. display
  20. charlatanry
  21. sham
  22. fraud
  23. pretense of virtue
  24. deceit
  25. false goodness
  26. lip-homage
  27. formalism
  28. false piety
  29. assumed piety
  30. empty ceremony
  31. tartuffism
  32. insincerity
  33. solemn mockery
  34. lip reverence
  35. false profession
  36. bunkum
  37. piosity
  38. bunk
  39. religiosity
  40. two-facedness
  41. self-righteousness
  42. speciosity

Words Related to Hypocrisy

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.