Cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques
  1. cultivate
  2. garden
  3. plant
  4. plow
  5. homestead
  6. grow
  7. till
  8. ranch
  9. produce
  10. cultivate land
  11. engage in agronomy
  12. raise crops
  13. work
  14. hoe
  15. sow
  16. operate
  17. superintend
  18. look after
  19. cooperative
  20. lease
  21. run
  22. croft
  23. crop
  24. graze
  25. dairy
  26. field
  27. run cattle
  28. run sheep; raise cattle
  29. raise pigs
  30. grange
  31. raise chickens
  32. harvest
  33. etc.; husband
  34. hatchery
  35. enclose
  36. pasture
  37. kibbutz
  38. break the soil
  39. kolkhoz
  40. till the soil
  41. take up a claim
  42. land
  43. sharecrop
  44. orchard
  45. dress the ground
  46. hop clods
  47. oyster
  48. plantation
  49. raise
  50. countrify
  51. rancho
  52. range
  53. spread
  54. vineyard
  55. pastoralize

Words Related to Farm

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
