Exaggerate Synonyms and Antonyms

To make (something) seem greater than is actually the case
  1. overstate
  2. magnify
  3. inflate
  4. hyperbolize
  5. amplify
  6. overdo
  7. distort
  8. embellish
  9. overdraw
  10. embroider
  11. color
  12. overcharge
  13. fabricate
  14. misrepresent
  15. overestimate
  16. falsify
  17. expand
  18. heighten
  19. intensify
  20. enlarge on
  21. stretch
  22. stretch-the-truth
  23. overemphasize
  24. go to extremes
  25. give color to
  26. elaborate
  27. romance
  28. romanticize
  29. boast
  30. pretty-up
  31. make too much of
  32. build up
  33. brag
  34. blow up
  35. overreach
  36. overcolor
  37. lie
  38. misquote
  39. misreport
  40. caricature
  41. burlesque
  42. draw the longbow
  43. paint in glowing colors
  44. sling the bull
  45. carry too far
  46. lay it on
  47. lay-it-on-thick
  48. enhance
  49. lay it on with a trowel
  50. make-a-mountain-out-of-a-molehill
  51. play up
  52. enlarge
  53. make a big deal of
  54. blow up out of all proportion
  55. overspend
  56. overassess
  57. malinger
  58. hyperbolise
  59. overcalculate
  60. overexpend
  61. overtrain
  62. overprize

Words Related to Exaggerate

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
