Instill Synonyms and Antonyms
To fix (an idea, for example) in someone's mind by reemphasis and repetition
- teach
- inculcate
- implant
- infuse
- impregnate
- impress
- imbue
- impart
- infiltrate
- inject
- indoctrinate
- insinuate
- insert
- introduce
- suffuse
- transfuse
- intermix
- drill
- interject
- inoculate
- drive
- impress into the mind
- ingrain
- engender
- impart gradually
- disseminate
- inspire
- diffuse
- propagandize
- catechize
- brainwash
- impenetrate
- inseminate
- infix
- force-in
- put into someone's head
- pound
- instil
- pour
- tincture
Enter drop by drop
- instil