If so, can the sperm live long enough to impregnate the bitch?
Incubi are demons who take a male shape in order to seduce women and impregnate them.
In medicine boracic acid is used in solution to relieve itching, but its chief use is as a mild antiseptic to impregnate lint or cotton-wool.
To impregnate (the air, or something to be eaten, etc.) with poison; to render poisonous.
In the Roman order of baptism the priest prays that "the font may receive the grace of the only begotten Son from the holy Spirit, and that the latter may impregnate with hidden admixture of His light this water prepared for the regeneration of mankind, to the end that man through a sanctification conceived from the immaculate womb of the divine font, may emerge a heavenly offspring reborn as a new creature."