It encourages the believer to patient endurance to the end without murmuring or imprecations (7-12).
He not only caused the mourning for the death of Hosain and other Shiite festivals to be celebrated at Bagdad, but also allowed imprecations against Moawiya and even against Mahomet's wife Ayesha and the caliphs Abu Bekr, Omar and Othman, to be posted up at the doors of the mosques.
They found the apparent lunatic struggling in the grasp of two or three gentlemen and uttering imprecations of the most violent kind.
It is mentioned in the Eugubine tablets (see IGuviuM) as a hostile city against which imprecations are directed.
Imprecations uttered by Lucien against the brigands and traitors in the pay of England decided the grenadiers of the Council to march against the deputies whom it was their special duty to protect.