Hurry Synonyms and Antonyms
hûrē, hŭr-
To move rapidly
- fly
- race
- run
- speed
- bolt
- bustle
- dart
- dash
- haste
- zip
- hasten
- hustle
- barrel
- rush
- scoot
- highball
- trot
- whisk
- bucket
- festinate
- flash
- fleet
- flit
- accelerate
- ado
- beeline
- pelt
- chivy
- rocket
- decamp
- dispatch
- drive
- sail
- expedite
- travel rapidly
- scour
- harass
- shoot
- hie
- sprint
- tear
- hightail
- whirl
- impel
- make-tracks
- whiz
- motion
- nag
- wing
- pass
- posthaste
- zoom
- dash-off
- precipitate
- hotfoot
- quicken
- rip
- nip
- scurry
- skedaddle
- step-on-it
- tumult
- urge
- urgency
- vamoose
- whir
To act hastily
- hasten
- rush
- speed
- be quick
- make-haste
- bestir oneself
- bustle
- accelerate
- make-short-work-of
- scoot
- work at high speed
- dash on
- expedite
- hurry about
- bundle on
- run-off
- sally
- work under pressure
- hurry-up
- lose no time
- make-time
- act on a moment's notice
- hustle
- turn on the steam
- step on the gas
- get-cracking
- don't spare the horses
- step-on-it
- quicken
- fly about
- put on a burst of speed
- dig out
- dart to and fro
- race one's motor
- floor-it
- shake-a-leg
- step up
- look-sharp
- festinate
Activity or motion that is often unduly hurried; haste:
To move or act with speed or haste.
- move
- get on it
- gain time
- look alive
- get-a-move-on
- bear down on it
- on-the-double
- hump it
Words Related to Hurry
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.