Hasten Synonyms and Antonyms

To make haste
  1. rush
  2. hurry
  3. race
  4. bolt
  5. dart
  6. speed
  7. hie
  8. run
  9. trot
  10. bustle
  11. whisk
  12. fly
  13. haste
  14. hustle
  15. sprint
  16. tear
  17. fleet
  18. press
  19. scurry
  20. flit
  21. gallop
  22. zoom
  23. scoot
  24. scamper
  25. shoot
  26. barrel
  27. whiz
  28. hotfoot
  29. zip
  30. rip
  31. festinate
  32. step-on-it
  33. spurt
  34. move quickly
  35. bestir oneself
  36. dash-off
  37. plunge
  38. waste no time
  39. lose no time
  40. be in a hurry
  41. cover ground
  42. not lose a moment
  43. hurry-up
  44. press-on
  45. bucket
  46. express
  47. flee
  48. be on the run
  49. skip
  50. post
  51. pace
  52. dash
  53. move speedily
  54. push on
  55. scuttle
  56. flash
  57. careen
  58. make-haste
  59. make-time
  60. trip
  61. be quick
  62. ride hard
  63. leap
  64. clip
  65. bound
  66. skim
  67. accelerate
  68. brush
  69. spring
  70. make forced marches
  71. whip-off
  72. advance
  73. whip away
  74. jump
  75. speed-up
  76. work under pressure
  77. make the best of one's time
  78. make-short-work-of
  79. pelt
  80. go at full blast
  81. go at full tilt
  82. run like mad
  83. march in double time
  84. put on more speed
  85. carry sail
  86. take-wing
  87. rocket
  88. make strides
  89. go-all-out
  90. run wide open
  91. pack-off
  92. pack-away
  93. drive
  94. make a dash for
  95. sail
  96. shake-a-leg
  97. beat the devil around a stump
  98. expedite
  99. go like sixty
  100. work against time
  101. put on steam
  102. hie on
  103. scour
  104. break one's neck
  105. fall all over oneself
  106. make up for lost time
  107. hop-to-it
  108. hop on it
  109. spin
  110. beat-a-retreat
  111. sweep
  112. bundle
  113. get-cracking
  114. skedaddle
  115. outstrip the wind
  116. fly on the wings of the wind
  117. bowl along
  118. cut along
  119. clap spurs to one's horse
  120. whirl
  121. precipitate
  122. swoop
  123. wing one's way
  124. crowd-sail
  125. go on the double
  126. precipitate press
  127. stir one's stumps
  128. go like (greased) lightning
  129. go like a shot
  130. go hell-bent
  131. wing
  132. burn up the road
  133. go like a bat out of hell
  134. step lively
  135. push
  136. step on the gas
  137. give her the gas
  138. quicken
  139. highball
  140. nip
  141. pelt along
  142. rush-along
  143. look-sharp
  144. urge
  145. cannonball along
  146. bucket along
  147. belt along
To expedite
  1. accelerate
  2. speed
  3. expedite
  4. quicken
  5. stimulate
  6. dispatch
  7. speed-up
  8. fillip
  9. advance
  10. move-up
  11. hurry-up
  12. push
  13. make-short-work-of
  14. urge
  15. goad
  16. press
  17. hurry
  18. whip on
  19. agitate
  20. push forward
  21. push ahead
  22. put into action
  23. hustle
  24. get started
  25. induce
  26. give a start
  27. drive on
  28. set-in-motion
  29. take in hand
  30. take over
  31. put on wheels
  32. blast-off
  33. railroad through
  34. gear-up
  35. cut the red tape
  36. step up
  37. rush
To move or act swiftly.
  1. speed

Words Related to Hasten

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.