Sigsbee's small water-bottle on the double valve principle actuated by a propeller requires extremely skilful handling to enable it to give good results.
The hapless and worthless bridegroom had already incurred the hatred of two powerful enemies, the earls of Morton and Glencairn; but the former of these took part with the queen against the forces raised by Murray, Glencairn and others, under the nominal leadership of Hamilton, duke of Chatelherault, on the double plea of danger to the new religion of the country, and of the illegal proceeding by which Darnley had been proclaimed king of Scots without the needful constitutional assent of the estates of the realm.
He next worked on the double stars, but his results have only been partially published.
A better process was indicated by Salmon in the " Note on the Double Tangents to Plane Curves," Phil.
He tells 1st platoon to get over to the left flank on the double.