Subordinate Synonyms and Antonyms

Below another in standing or importance
  1. secondary
  2. inferior
  3. junior
  4. low
  5. lower
  6. minor
  7. ancillary
  8. auxiliary
  9. submissive
  10. subservient
  11. under
  12. smaller
  13. sub
  14. baser
  15. underaverage
  16. insignificant
  17. subnormal
  18. paltry
  19. lesser
  20. playing second fiddle
  21. not hold a candle to
  22. not up to snuff
  23. below-par
  24. below the mark
  25. unequal to
  26. not comparable to
  27. derivative
  28. in the shade
  29. nothing to brag about
  30. satellite
  31. at a low ebb
  32. minor-league
  33. dependent
  34. low-level
  35. depending (on)
  36. segmental
  37. petty
  38. lower in rank
  39. subject
  40. segmentary
  41. servant
  42. being a satellite
  43. small
  44. servile
  45. subsidiary
  46. accessory
  47. subalternate
  48. subaltern
  49. subordinated
  50. smalltime
  51. succursal
  52. supplemental
  53. tangential
  54. tributary
In a position of subordination
Make subordinate, dependent, or subservient
  1. subdue

Words Related to Subordinate

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
