Frighten Synonyms and Antonyms

To strike with fear
  1. scare
  2. affright
  3. alarm
  4. terrify
  5. startle
  6. panic
  7. terrorize
  8. intimidate
  9. cow
  10. daunt
  11. dismay
  12. appall
  13. horrify
  14. petrify
  15. fright
  16. spook
  17. unnerve
  18. shock
  19. dishearten
  20. abash
  21. dispirit
  22. throw into a fright
  23. raise apprehension
  24. deter
  25. threaten
  26. prey on the mind
  27. badger
  28. demoralize
  29. give cause for alarm
  30. put in fear
  31. give one a fright
  32. appal
  33. awe
  34. perturb
  35. disturb
  36. disquiet
  37. faze
  38. discomfort
  39. scarify
  40. harrow
  41. discomfit
  42. unman
  43. confound with dread
  44. strike terror into
  45. discourage
  46. frighten out of one's wits
  47. take-one-s-breath-away
  48. chill to the bone
  49. gorgonize
  50. make one's hair stand on end
  51. make one's blood run cold
  52. make one's flesh creep
  53. put one's heart in one's mouth
  54. give one a turn
  55. scare one stiff
  56. freeze the blood
  57. curdle the blood
  58. scare the daylights out of
  59. upset
  60. rattle

Words Related to Frighten

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.