The first portion deals with Patrick's career down to his arrival in Ireland and contains an unvarnished statement of fact.
The crisis culminated on a day, each event of which is surrounded in the Buddhist accounts with the wildest legends, on which the very thoughts passing through the mind of Buddha appear in gorgeous descriptions as angels of darkness or of light, To us, now taught by the experiences of centuries how weak such exaggerations are compared with the effect of a plain unvarnished tale, these legends may appear childish or absurd, but they have a depth of meaning to those who strive to read between the lines of such rude and inarticulate attempts to describe the indescribable.
The book that tells you the unvarnished truth about teaching.
It 's an unvarnished look at the life of Oscar Wilde that 's all the more compelling for its candor.
I want, and every President must have, the best, unbiased, unvarnished assessment of America 's intelligence professionals.