Trash Synonyms and Antonyms

Persons regarded as of little account
  1. beggars
  2. thieves
  3. outlaws
  4. dreg
  5. the poor
  6. the lower class
  7. hobos
  8. lumpenproletariat
  9. tramps
  10. hoi polloi
  11. greek
  12. sans-culottes
  13. rabble
  14. canaille (both French)
  15. wastrels
  16. poor whites
  17. ragtag and bobtail
  18. sharecroppers
  19. guttersnipes
  20. varmints
  21. riffraff
  22. good-for-nothings
  23. white-trash
  24. scum
  1. aristocracy
  2. the upper class
  3. the wealthy
  4. money
  5. goods
  6. riches
Waste matter
  1. stuff
  2. frippery
  3. rags
  4. scraps
  5. scrap
  6. scourings
  7. fragments
  8. pieces
  9. shavings
  10. loppings
  11. slash
  12. rakings
  13. slag
  14. parings
  15. rinsings
  16. deads
  17. debris
  18. shoddy
  19. scoria
  20. recrement
  21. residue
To injure or destroy (property) maliciously
  1. vandalize
Dispose of (something useless or old)
  1. junk
  2. scrap
Express a totally negative opinion of
  1. pan
  2. tear-apart
  1. cheap
  2. trashy

Words Related to Trash

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.