Safe Synonyms and Antonyms
Not in danger
- unharmed
- unscathed
- guarded
- secure
- impregnable
- protected
- invulnerable
- preserved
- shielded
- sheltered
- unhurt
- out of danger
- in safety
- in security
- free from harm
- free from danger
- safe-and-sound
- housed
- screened from danger
- unmolested
- unthreatened
- entrenched
- under the protection of
- saved
- safeguarded
- secured
- defended
- supported
- armory
- sustained
- maintained
- careful
- upheld
- cautious
- vindicated
- certain
- nourished
- chest
- fostered
- clear
- cared-for
- conservative
- cherished
- watched
- dependable
- impervious to
- depository
- patrolled
- looked-after
- discreet
- ministered to
- supervised
- tended
- harmless
- attended
- kept in view
- immune
- kept in order
- surveyed
- regulated
- innocuous
- with one's head above water
- uninjured
- undercover
- intact
- out of harm's way
- on-the-safe-side
- on-ice
- nontoxic
- in free
- at anchor
- in harbor
- snug
- snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug
- prudent
- out of the meshes
- under-one-s-wing
- reliable
- bearing a charmed life
- under-lock-and-key
- sound
- stable
- strongbox
- sure
- trustworthy
- unassailable
- unconquerable
- untouched
- vault
- wary
Not dangerous
Contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse
Words Related to Safe
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.